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RAPID Web Sync(™) Item Spreadsheet Import


The RAPID Web Sync Item Spreadsheet Import will take a large or small spreadsheet of item date and quickly add or update any number of items to a Magento web store. This is an sample job that is included with the IMan Magento Connector.



An IMan job is set to run every five minutes. The job looks for an Excel spreadsheet in a designated network drive on the company network. Spreadsheets are picked up and processed and placed in the Completed or Folder


These paths must be available to IMan and to the person uploading the files.


Developement Upload Location

C:\SourceFolderDevo Location for development item imports
C:\SourceFolderDevo\Images Location for development item images
C:\SourceFolderDevo\Documentation Sample spreadsheets, instructions

Production Upload Location

C:\SourceFolderProd Location for production web site uploads
C:\SourceFolderProd\Images Location for production item images
C:\SourceFolderProd\Documentation Sample spreadsheets, instructions

Processing Output

Development Output Location

C:\SourceFolderDevo\Completed Output folder for successful development imports.
C:\SourceFolderDevo\Logs Logs for each import.

Production Output Location

C:\SourceFolderProd\Completed Output for successful production imports.
C:\SourceFolderProd\Logs Logs for each import.

A standard IMan Standard Audit Summary will be sent out.



User drops off an Excel file in the root processing folder. It is a good idea to name these files systematically. All files ending with .xls will be picked up and moved to the completed folder.

See below a sample template .xlsx file available for free to use as a starting point organizing your product data.

RAPID Web Sync Item Import Template
